Allah itu Indah

Pemandangan yang luar biasa indahnya.. Subhanallah
inilah kekuasaan dan bukti allah itu maha indah


Sawah yang beundak-undak tampak terlihat begitu indah. Inilah pedesaan yang tak bisa ditemukan dikeramaian kota ()

Keindahan Alam

Kita hanya bisa menemukan pemandangan seperti ini di Indonesia

Patung Tertinggi

Ada yang tahu ukuran patung ini tingginya berapa meter?

Pencak Silat

Salah satu peninggalan tradisinonal budaya indonesia yang tak boleh hilang. Yuk lestarikan dan kita jaga bersama-sama.

Novi Wedding

All About Yani dan Eno

Jogja Pagi Har

Ahyani dan Retno

Ahyani dan Retno

Anak-anak Kedokan

Jalan2 ke Thailand

Ka Polani dan Bu Nunung

Rumput Ilalang

Cut Farida

Tyler is a joyful and gifted 8-year-old boy. At the age of 3 Tyler was diagnosed with high functioning Autism. His condition has made some aspects of his life more difficult then most kids his age, but it has also led him to develop into a very passionate young boy.

One of his greatest passions came out of a love for hearing the soothing sounds produced by wind chimes. Among other talents, Tyler has the incredible gift of being able to identify a number of different wind chimes simply by hearing their unique tones. Tyler has inspired the employees at Woodstock Chimes to create “Chimes For Autism”. 100% of the proceeds from this new chime will go directly to benefit Autism research and awareness. This video will be used to increase awareness and support for individuals with Autism!

Lokasi Prewed

Pemotretan sebelum pernikahan itu jadi bagian 
yang tak bisa dipisahkan..